Saturday, December 01, 2007


This morning, in my dream, before a journey of obligation, my Dad hands me a pair of fuschia fuzzy slippers that are totally oversized (talk about Freudian! Cinderella's glass slippers were really made of fur - lost in translation).

I look inside and find numerous pieces of a broken automobile headlight (of my vehicle, i suspect). After painstakingly removing the shards, i slip my feet in the inviting softness. The slippers are so huge that my feet practically swim in them.

With them on, i travel down the dim and seemingly endless hallway at the hotel i'm staying at, in search of my new girlfriend whom i met 3 days ago. Once again i am relieved i turned out to be a lesbian.

I have to find her fast, before i lose her.

But i can't remember her name...

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