Friday, February 04, 2011

Epiphany 24

Lately i've seen a lot of quotes and status updates pertaining to experiences that make you "stronger".

It's irritating, quite frankly.

Stronger? In what context, with what measure, and according to whom?

In our culture, i'm guessing stronger means mean and tough, and nothing is gonna hurt you.

No, take in the hurt. Be human. It's all part of life. Take it, know it, remember it. Let it be part of you. As it is part of the universe. Resistence will be futile.

Is there a lesson to be learned? Maybe, maybe not. That is not the point. Next time you're hurt, it may hurt just as bad. Or not.

Life is not about escaping hurt. Or making it "better". There is just accepting what life has to offer. And being okay with it.

1 comment:

Saracide said...

Very true. I like this.