Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This afternoon, 6 months after having been acquainted with Elle, my curiosity piqued, I decided to inquire what it was that she spoke in addition to Farsi that i'd observed.

"It's Assyrian!" Replied Elle.

And i couldn't tell if she was intrigued or a tad annoyed.

Oh, okay. It'd reminded me of Arabic but didn't think that was it. I had wondered Armenian but had heard enough to have doubts. And there's that which echos Yiddish but not quite. As it turns out, the Akkadian language is a Semitic branch. Wow.

I expressed amazement in that she spoke three languages.

"Do you also speak three languages?" Asked Elle.

Which i found an odd question. However I did thwart enough fear to admit that i, too, spoke Farsi.

The fact was well-received to say the least. I am timid in revealing as i never know how someone may react. Some turn a little stand-offish. Some ignore it and continue the conversation in English. Some may convey positive sentiments but only lukewarm and volatile. But Elle was delighted. Stoked. She wanted more. And every bit i fed her quenched her thirst.

I have missed speaking Farsi at times. It's part of who i am. Speaking it again was like paying homage to my partial heritage.

Elle remarked that i was fluent and without an accent. It's the best compliment. And all that i ask! Now, if i can get that speaking English too all the time... : )

We wound up spending about half an hour sharing our exposure to the Iranian culture and what we'd taken away from it. And our two cents on marriage and life in general. (Wait, wouldn't that be four cents if it's two per head?)

"You are beautiful," said Elle at the end of the evening. "And any man who gets to be with you is very lucky."

If i didn't know any better i'd think my 49-year-old chiropractor was hitting on me.

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