Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am not a news person. I haven't been much of a TV person in the past 2 years, either. But i do have my morning news on. Part of the pretense act of being normal/caring.

3 consecutive stories i caught this morning:

1. "Columbine" attempt @ Hillsdale High in San Mateo. 1,200 students and faculty members evacuated.

That's right. No such thing as a "nice" neighborhood. Nobody is safe. Mental illness canNOT be quarantined.

2. 3rd suicide from Gunn High by Caltrain in Palo Alto since spring. Officials have removed the memorials lest more teens become inspired by the hot spot.

3. Hearst Elementary in Pleasanton cancelled classes due to an alarmingly high mold count upon inspection.

First off, again (and I could quote you if the damned search engine was working!) (NOT good for OCD-afflicted bloggers!), and people wonder why I don't watch the news!

And, secondly, let me get this straight:

Homemade pipe bombs, chainsaw, and mold would get you a day off, but not triple suicide? I see the value of human life (or how it's taken) in our system indeed.

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