Monday, March 02, 2009

Peregrination 7

After work, i needed to see a body of water. So i headed for Shoreline Park.

Last time i came to Shoreline alone was August 14, 2007.

How cool is this thing we call a blog? At age 13, when i kept a diary, i could only wonder, "When was the last time i wrote about...?" Now, i have a diary with a search engine! Back in the day there were no words for a search engine!

As trusted, seeing water did me good. The place was dead. It had stopped raining. The sun was behind clouds and the moon was already out, in a blur. Caught sight of it next to a fiercely waving American flag. It was perfect.

Heard a hummingbird for the first time. Saw a stationary one for the first time, for that matter. I had no idea what a hummingbird sounded like. It surely was not a hum. It was more like a human sucking in his/her slightly moist lower lip. I was like, "What is that sound above me?!" I looked up and there the bird was, perching atop a barren tree. At first i thought, "No way the bird is making that sound!" Sure enough, it went at it again. I watched the bird in awe and respect. I wished i had my camera to capture that silhouette.

I was grateful to have had a few moments, for in one swift motion the bird flitted away. I was amazed by the speed indeed! Boy, when they say the creature can travel at 60 mph, they're not kidding!

On the drive home i saw Billie, my first pet, in the clouds, again. Monochromic, just like i remember her. In fact, if Billie was an image file, she'd be grayscale. : )

To this day i don't know what breed Billie was. I'd say Shih Tzu but the Portuguese lady who gave her to us insisted she was not Chinese. She may have been right since Billie never cared for Chinese food much.

Not even sure if she was purebred. Not that it mattered. She was the best. And... mutts rock!

And so i watched this gigantic Billie running across the easterly sky. Again, grateful for the moment. Before i finished passing the few blocks, she slowly disintegrated.

At first i was sad. But then i saw there was no other way. My turn was coming up.

It's chaotic order. Indeed.

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