Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Black Birds Have Spoken 11

I made a ham and egg sandwich this morning. Had never made one before.

The question begs to be asked, "Why not?" I LOVE ham and egg.

Thus far, the most I could be bothered with breakfast making was a couple of maple sausages and fry an egg over easy. Lately I couldn't even turn on the stove. Been microwaving which, I concur, is sacrilege. I am no stranger to eating bread straight out of the fridge, either.

Hunger took over this morning. I pictured the humongous version at a local donut shop. Of course there is the beloved McMuffin also. Can't go wrong with that.

But it was after 10:30, so a no go at Mickey Dee's. Drive to the donut shop which was only five minutes away?

That would be ridiculous! I have ham, for Christ's sake.

I've mentioned in the past that I'm easily daunted, especially with the unfamiliar. The multi-step coordination! Could I handle it without burning a thing or two? Will everything still be warm by the time I'm done?

The lack of self-confidence is fucking amazing. It's practically a two-ingredient process!

As soon as the ham sizzled in the pan, I panicked. Oh, shoot, is it cooking too fast? I turned it over gingerly. It'd caramelized. Ham caramelizes? I didn't know that!

The translucent slices took turns writhing violently as if expressing my anguish.

The egg itself was not as remarkable even though, working the single-handed cracking trick, I did break the yolk. Who cares? We're whisking it. (Who's "we"?) The beaten yellow silk filled my 5" pan to the rim, a perfect round, a lovely sight on which to feast my eyes. I made sure not to oversalt as it was to compliment the savory meat.

I made myself comfortable at the table to take my time with this creation. A moment into it, I had to take a peek into the stacked contents. It was simplicity at its best. Everything slightly glistening and browned to perfection. Simple food porn is still food porn.

Every bite was a perfect combo of flavor and texture. And fresh ground pepper is one of my favorite things on earth. Just the way I like it. Know what, too? Warm toast? Pretty nice!

I made a ham and egg sandwich this morning. And it was the best ham and egg sandwich I'd ever had.

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