Saturday, April 16, 2011


In today's advice column in The Chronicle, Diners' Dilemma explains to Abby that she and her husband are both raised differently such that, instead of putting food on a serving plate, they help themselves in the kitchen and take their plates out to consume in another room.

(First off, i didn't know that the serving plate was the norm.)

The dilemma: she was taught that the hostess/cook helps herself last, and he was brought up with "ladies first".

Really? This is the problem? The one big issue worth writing about and begs to be printed, so it can be settled, once and for all? In a space usually occupied by a lamenting widow whose newlywed son has disowned her, or a desperate single father who feels like he can't reach out to his suicidal teenage daughter?

Know what Sia would say?

Some people have REAL problems.

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