Thursday, April 09, 2020

Reeling 2

Saw a movie this afternoon that was quite moving, called The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Usually I see "coming of age" in the synopsis and I cringe and run, but Paul Rudd was in it, and I fucking love Paul Rudd, so I went for it.

Really was quite good. Managed to surprise me, which is not easy these days. So kudos to the writer, who had based the screenplay on a book, which he had also written. Oh, and he directed the film, too. Overachieve much? (Ha!)

I like that the characters were believable. The acting was subtle and genuinely connected. My favorite line, of course, was the quote: "You get the love you believe you deserve." SO true. Many of us learned it the hard way.

And my favorite scene, not for the scene itself, but the sentiment, was when the doctor, played by Joan Cusack, assesses the protagonist, and he tells her, "There is so much pain." Not about him, but, "All around."

Being able to observe and feel pain ALL AROUND, in everybody. Relate.

BTW, notice my first line? "A movie that was quite moving". Ha.

That's what a good movie does. It reels you in, and moves you, when you least expect it. (I'm just glad I'm not dead inside.)

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