Saturday, April 11, 2020


I recently discovered the term "the drawing room". What a curious, descriptive marvel! It meant the living room. But why?

"Drawing" was short for "withdrawing". The drawing room was where you would go to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the world. That's bloody brilliant!

Modern day "withdrawal" has a negative connotation. If you are not social, something is wrong with you. Being an introvert still carries its stigma. Introverts are still very much misunderstood.

And so it gives me great comfort to learn that, not only was withdrawal OK in olden-day England, there was a room for it!

I've thought for a long time, after years of going to open houses, if I were ever to purchase a house, it must have a den. A den with ample natural light where you can sit right by the bay window and lean on the glass and read, or gaze out, or both. But still shielded away from peeping eyes by tall trees. When the wind blows, you bathe in dancing shadows. And all is still, and yet lively.

That's where I would go to withdraw.

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