Monday, July 11, 2011

Well Played

The 'rents left last night. Even after years of goodbyes, they are never easy. I felt numb though. I'm sure my subconscious has learned to block out those pesky emotions. It's like, Oh well, we just don't live in the same place, nothing we can do about it. However, there is that sense of loss. Boy, is there a sense of loss.

As I watched them wave goodbye through the glass wall of the restricted area, I couldn't help but wonder if that may be the last time. They're older now. And that's just life.

This morning, as I rose, as predicted, I thought, "OK, I'm up, but what for?" There is no one to run to, there is no reason to hurry and shower. (A job would've helped, I realize.) Incidentally, no RJ last night or today. That quietness takes some getting reacquainted with. I can't say it's not welcome, though.

Of course, too, there's the grocery issue. Where will I be "stationed" from this point on? Can't commit to fresh produce until I know. I feel very displaced and disoriented.

Apparently Elsie and the boys have grown used to and fond of having the grandparents around, too. Everyone is readjusting.

Denisse is going through a tough time. Crossroads, if you will, in a chapter of her love life. (I'm not sure I'm crazy about the expression "love life", but for lack of better terms...) I kinda thought it was a good night for us to have commiserated. She found that she was okay alone. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised, either, that I still like being alone. That defense mechanism kicks in, man. It's engaged like on auto-pilot. Fuck if i should need anyone. No, siree bob, not this gal.

And i'm not crying either.

There's only one crucial matter at hand:

What's for lunch?

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