Thursday, November 19, 2009

Epiphany 18

I've experienced much that helps me today that really affected me at the time but i didn't know why.

Sleeping with the Enemy.

Probably not the most critically acclaimed nor did it do well at the box office. But it gripped me. Inexplicably.

Laura, just feeling out her new independent life, picks some apples off her neighbor's tree to bake an apple pie.

Her neighbor and later love interest catches her red-handed (when and where it shouldn't have been a big deal) and she releases the fruits off her suspended garment, and indignantly states:

I don't make deals.

I didn't understand then. The dude was flirting and making an in. And she stuck to principles. And runs. So the slate stays clean.

Today i run often.

I've been told that what i think i want may not be what i really want.

Fear of intimacy is a bitch.

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