Monday, October 19, 2009


Tonight i called Kato to ask what movie in the comedy genre he'd recommended for me today, as i couldn't remember for the life of me, and i had to blog about it.

"This is V," i said.

"I know," said Kato.

Immediately my heart was warmed halfway.

The convo was brief. After i thanked him, he reiterated, "You'll like it."

I'm not remotely interested in Kato romantically (and usually i don't bother reaching out at all unless i am). I'm not even sure, given the cultural (and whatever else) gaps (more like gorges), we're even friends. Not in the real world anyway.

Yet i smiled (inside) tonight having made that call, knowing that he was glad to have had that volatile human interaction, too. Indeed you can hear the smile in a voice.

As i ended the exchange with "I'll see you in the morning", it had meaning, unlike all the other colloquies of your typical day.

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