Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bar None

This morning, right after wishing a "friend" happy birthday, I read that she was "against the movement" (the protests in Hong Kong).

Wha? Against democracy, a just voting system, freedom of speech? Wha? Who is AGAINST those things?

Do. Not. Compute! I wanted to unpost my greeting.

There, I am yet again convinced not to get political on FB. FB is hardly the ideal effective venue anyhow. If I want to get on a soap box, I'll go on a forum.

A cousin posts on my wall a video of the police teargassing the peaceful crowd, the majority of which are students. A parallel is drawn to the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989. A petition has been created to prevent bloody history from repeating itself.

In response, I pasted a news link with the comment, "The world is listening." That's my way of saying: CNN has reported the story. So I don't have to.

Even before China took back H.K. in 1997, I knew this day would come. It was only a matter of time. I have no faith in government or humanity. Really any effort to resist is futile.

But, what the hey, I sign the petition. But I will not share the video. I draw the line.

I refuse to get behind chain-letter-natured ANYTHING. It is a matter of principle. What are we, in fifth grade?!?

The ice bucket challenge? Ignore. The [insert number]-day grateful challenge? Pass.

If I want to be charitable, I'll do it any old time. I don't need a publicity stunt or anyone to tell me which charity to focus on.

I've been long aware of ALS, thanks to Tuesdays with Morrie. While it is universally good that funds have been generated for research, the whole disease-flavor-du-jour thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I am grateful everyday for variable things. Some days I am more grateful than others. Some days there are more things on that list. I don't need to share with the world to prove that I can be grateful. It should not be a challenge to find things to be grateful about.

Some things I am grateful about would come across as dark and sinister anyway. For instance, I am grateful I am childless. I am glad I am not bringing another life in this insufferable world.

Centuries of genocide still go on today - it can happen to any race, in any corner. Nobody is immune. Endless disputes, endless wars. Nations economically thriving have utter disregard for ethics, the environment, human lives. Heck, any life. Global warming will kill us, if power-craving maniacs don't do it first.

Instead of leaving the dire situation for future generations to figure out, how about, just, don't. The earth is overpopulated anyhow. I've done my part to curb the madness. You are welcome.

I've been called morbid, depressed and pessimistic. I call me lucid, practical and in touch with reality.

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