Monday, December 19, 2011

Ultimate Purgatory

Being smart enough to know that you could be better, but not smart enough to actually be better.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

They Lie

Am I the only one? I can't tell you how many times a vial of pills is supposed to come in an even number, and I swear I take two at a time, and I wind up with three at the bottom after days of whittling. Are they shorting me? Or is it an overage? (Speaking like a true bean counter.) I'll never know.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can't Twitter Or Facebook 5

I just need a few moments out of my day to be alone with my thoughts, not that they are so great, but so that I remember who I am, not that I am so great. Is that too much to ask?

Can't Twitter Or Facebook 4

I'm hanging on to my last shred of humanity as best I can. How do others do it?

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Dr. Terri D. Fisher has been conducting research on "sex on the brain": just how often men and women think about sex during the course of the day, and whether age and gender factor in the frequency.

When rounding up older Americans to complete the project, there weren't enough subjects following through for it to happen. However, more women did respond than men.

Why, you ask?

The men were DEAD.

Snippet 211

If we're going (to the park) we should go now (before it rains). Or would you rather stay put?

I'd rather swing on a star and carry moonbeams home in a jar.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Snippet 210

[On her new job after a near-two-year hiatus]
There are worse things: cotton-picking and prostitution.

At least you're not a cotton-picking prostitute.