Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For two days now i've wanted to buy this outfit. So i can be happy and beaming and athletic... And, have i mentioned, happy?

This is ridiculous. I have 12 outfits to go running in. If i actually run.

That's one of my new year's resolutions. To run. Dexter thinks i should exercise. "What's the big whoop about exercise?" I actually asked. I was truly perplexed. I was already thin.

Exercising, Dexter explains, is transformational. If your body is happy, your mind cannot be far behind. Chemical change galore. I'll feel better about myself. I'll feel alive.

"I don't care what you do," concluded Dexter. "Get out there. Get moving!"

So, really, this is not my resolution. I'm letting Dexter run my life. Somebody should other than i. I haven't exactly been doing a bang-up job at it.

"The shelf bra has come a long way," I told Denisse on Wildcat Loop Trail last Sunday. I don't think she has suffered bad sports bra days - she's too young. I just couldn't get over how cozily mine cradled my boobies. Without squishing!

After the freezing morning hike i had to rinse caked mud off the hem of my sweatpants. The moment was a little surreal and disorienting.

I'm not sure i felt alive. But it was a fine deviation.

And now i think i should look very cute in that pictured shade of green.

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