Friday, January 31, 2025

Can't Twitter or Facebook 11

Not that I would tweet anymore... But this was the series of not being able to share on social media.

#TFW you find out some of those in your circle whom you once considered close friends, intelligent, cool individuals, turn out to be right-winged nuts.

Maybe they always were right-winged nuts, just never spoke up. Maybe I missed all the signs? No, pretty sure there were no signs.

And they could say the same about those of us who identify as liberal.

The divisiveness... How I wish we could bridge. It is heartbreaking. And dangerous.

When those who are unfit to rule are in power, when the populace is blind to their inadequacies and ambition - what a paradox BTW! What's to become of the world?

I don't feel safe. Far from it.

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